PO Box 2392, Riyadh 12244 - Saudi Arabia

Our Services

A wide variety of smart solutions for your business ​

Medical Contracting

Medical contracting department offer a various services that help the medical Vendor and provider to execute the projects in enhanced and seamless operation, by applying state of the art project management procedures based on the specialized know-how in this field.

Patient Experience

Creative Solutions are the only provider of the full spectrum of Patient Experience in the world, our services include IT, technology and ART base products, our products engaging the minds on every patient and can enhance the Patient experience concept to the next level, in collaboration with multiple suppliers from US and Europe.

Cutstomer Experiance

We are committed to providing multimedia solutions to customers on a global scale. our experience in multimedia solution Industry enhances the venue marketing tools to the next level.

UV Products

Creative Solutions in partnership with UVMedico provide unique patented solution UV222™ for infection control, UV222 is Innovative solutions for this pandemic and the next

Digital Transformation & RPA Services

We believe that automation of business to do more with less efforts, is the future for any sustained growing business